Buying Christian backing tracks (also known as accompaniment tracks) from the US is by far the best option if you want a great choice at low prices. Search thousands of Backing Track MP3/Downloads which are cheap, popular and extremely handy if you require music backing tracks quickly for church on Sunday or even if you're singing at a wedding or a gospel karaoke !

For the widest range online with over 19000 backing tracks to choose from, visit!  This is a popular site because of the vast choice of both Christian backing song tracks and pop backing tracks it offers.
MP3 backing track downloads are by far the quickest and most popular at approximately $1.29, compared with $8 to buy an actual backing music CD.

Christian Music 
Praise Hymn Soundtracks 

Artist Sites

Visit official websites of recording artists and listen to a demo of their original song versions that are available as backing tracks. As a bonus, you may be able to get a music track that you can not source anywhere else due to copyright.
A backing track from an original artist is likely to be recorded in the same key as their original song. Although this can be a restricted option, these backing tracks are top quality, and whilst costing a few dollars more are were worth it for the original quality.

To suit your vocal range, check your selected Christian song track to ensure there is a second key available on the accompaniment/backing music. Most available offer music track options with and without backing vocals.
is a site which lets you listen to the demo version of thousands of popular christian backing tracks in various keys to help you decide which is most suitable for you before making your purchase. Try a Song Search to find a a backing track that's right for you.

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